Eet's Talk Scrabble!

'How I wish I were a better player!' 


How many of us have thought or said just this while dolefully signing in the loser's column on a result slip?


Some of us go on to blame it on bad luck, others on lack of word knowledge, while others still more discerningly attribute their playing failures to missed plays, faulty strategy or a combination of both. 


To this latter group of enlightened losers, the Malta Scrabble Club says Let's Talk Scrabble!, while launching a monthly series of mentoring sessions delivered by Charles Micallef. 


Using a dialogic non-prescriptive approach, the former Malta and German Open Champion will help beginners and more experienced players alike master the fundamental skills of competitive Scrabble playing, and, ultimately, get to the point where they can think or say:


'Now we're talking!'


(text by Nicky Vella Laurenti, photo by Bryan Priest,

Promotions Operational Team, MALTA SCRABBLE CLUB)